mental health resources


Virgie Tovar "is an author, activist and one of the nation's leading experts and lecturers on fat discrimination and body image. She is the founder of Babecamp, a 4-week online course designed to help women who are ready to break up with diet culture, and started the hashtag campaign #LoseHateNotWeight."

Ivy Felicia is a wellness coach and body image healer. You can follow her @iamivyfelicia and @fatwomenofcolor

Jen Gunter, "Twitter's resident OB/GYN," is a pro-woman women's health advocate. You can follow her @drjengunter.

TaMeicka Clear "is a Spiritual Coach, Body Positive Coach, and Community Educator. All of her services are sliding scale and informed by her love and dedication to Black folks, QTPOC, and other healers, artist, and activist."  


Therapy for Black Girls “is an online space dedicated to encouraging the mental wellness of Black women and girls… developed the space to present mental health topics in a way that feels more accessible and relevant.”

Three Birds Counseling is a great resource "free from negative thinking, fear of food, and body hate." They also recently put out an incredible list of 80+ Eating Disorder & Body Image Providers & Activists entitled Diversity Is A Good Thing

Dr. Paula Freedman is a Clinical Psychologist in Chicago who works with anxiety, perfectionism, addiction, eating disorders, trauma, & ADHD evaluation.

Ashlee Bennett is a therapist who works with body image, internalized weight stigma/fatphbia, self-acceptance, and mental health. You can follow her @bodyimage_therapist and @insightarttherapy.